You've all seen my dress from a previous post. And before I get to the wedding pictures, I want to share some other little details that helped make my wedding beautiful!!! My little nephew Dylan was my ring bearer, and I made the ring pillow myself.
And my veil. Which was one of the many new things I wore.
The only thing I didn't have was something borrowed, my mother-in-law was supposed to give me Mitch's grandmothers hankerchief, but during all the commotion before the wedding we all forget. Oh well. The wedding took place at the Truckee River Walk in Reno, NV.
The only regret I have is that I didn't get more pictures after the ceremony, anywhere besides the gazebo we were married in.
With the pretty fountain and staircase and stuff I could have gotten some really pretty pictures, but there was so much craziness right afterward, and some drama too (that I won't get into). Me and Mitch couldn't afford the professional picture package, and didn't know you had to order it before the ceremony. My sister Sami tried her hardest afterward to get them to take our pictures, knowing how much it would mean to me. Her, my Grandma and my mom were going to pitch in and buy them for us (they are so sweet) but unfortunately it didn't work out.
Anyways, I'm gonna stop talking about that incident now, because, even though I kept a smile on the whole day, today (2 days later) I'm on the verge of tears over the incident. So instead I'll share a few of the cute pictures I did get, I don't have them all yet, I am waiting on my Aunt Diane, and Connie (mother-in-law) to send me the pictures they got! This is us during the ceremony.

Once we got to Mitch, he stood right next to us where he was supposed to be and was quiet and still the entire time. He was such a good boy, and we never even had a rehearsal or anything. I am so proud of him. Here is a picture of me getting our rings from him.
And me putting the ring on Mitch's finger (I'm still waiting for the one of Mitch putting the ring on my finger, Aunt Diane got one).

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