I decided in celebration of today being Halloween, I would post pictures of every costume I ever wore. {Although there were a few years that silly me didn't get any pictures. Like that year I was a french maid.... darn, it was a pretty cute costume too, made by ME!!!}
Lets start with the most recent year... Last year! I was a {sexy} cop. That was the last time I was "that" drunk! I honestly do NOT remember this picture being taken. It's of me and one of my best friends Meada. I participated in a sexiest costume contest at the National Hotel {main street bar in Jackson CA} I seriously danced on a bar stool in front of a packed bar full of screaming people. WOW! I got second place. And had a blast until I got soooooo sick from WAY too much alcohol. I just can't party like that anymore. {I'm only 25??} But hey, I have some awesome memories from that crazy night!

Halloween 2004 and 2005 were both spent in this costume. Why? I liked it... and I was probably too broke to buy a new one that I liked as much as my graveyard fairy costume! I made my mom dress up in 2004. She was a witch, and we hit the main street Jackson bars for some drinks and a fun mother daughter Halloween night! We were like the only ones that were dressed up, she was kinda embarrassed, but it was funnnnnnn.

2003!!! I was a WITCH! We had a contest at Safeway {my former job of 7 years} and I once again, won 2nd place. Darn the 2nd place spot!!! I worked the entire day... and when I got home I took pictures, took off those LONG eyelashes, and went to bed.

The year before {2002} I was also working! Notice my name tag?? I was a cat! I even had a tail.... which you can't see in the pic. MEOW!!!

Rewind 2 years to the year 2000 {because 2001 was the year I was a french maid} and I'm a little devil! This was the first time I dressed up since the childhood clown costume. Here I am with Jesse Doyle. We worked together at my first job {K Mart}. I was 17, had just graduated high school, and was having a blast at a party where I only knew 2 or 3 people!!!

Well, that's as far down Halloween memory lane that I can take you. It's been fun..... I need to sleep now. I wish you all a very spooky Halloween!
You have great taste in costumes! I haven't dressed up in yearrrrs! I miss it!
ReplyDeleteYou did well! Love the pics