Friday, October 3, 2008

I finished my desk!

Hmmmmm, you know what? I finished my desk. I kept meaning to talk about how I was (or wasn't) working on refinishing the desk, but I don't think I ever did. And gosh darn it, I hate taking pictures of ugly things, which would have to explain why silly ol' me never took a before picture of this thing.

Gosh you should have seen it. It was an icky stain of some ugly brown wood, with "ancient" brass knobs and way unworthy of being photographed in my living room, or anywhere else for that matter (sorry Connie, aka mother in law who gave it to me). Mitch used this desk as a kid, his initials were so cutely written on the pull out drawer in black marker. That is until I finally got it sanded way down and re stained it. And that process took at least 4 months, maybe more!!!

You know it's funny, but every time I worked or didn't work on this thing I thought of Kim Wheeler and her black table, hey Kim, did your table ever make it into your house???

It only took me so very long because I got pregnant (temporarily) and my sweet husband refused to do it for me. I begged and begged, but I couldn't go anywhere near the stripper because the chemicals were bad for the baby, and the thing would have taken years to sand without the darn chemicals. So it sat in my garage for 3 long months, while I imagined what it would look like completed. Well TA-DA!

After I lost the baby, the chemical stripper was no longer an issue. So..... this is how I healed. Really, this desk was the first and only thing I did once I was able to function as a normal human being again. It helped me keep busy, and the first day of sanding it my mommy actually told me that I sounded like myself again, I was actually laughing. Making this desk beautiful was an emotional journey for me, and now it is something that I can always be proud of, and be thankful for.

Plus it give me somewhere new to put all my mail, and then some, since Mitch told me I was no longer allowed to have a "kitchen" junk drawer. Do you think he meant junk drawer in general? Hehehe. Well baby, so far so good, I filed all my junk away yesterday! Now lets hope I stay organized!!!


  1. Congratulations! Nothing feels better than finishing a project in my opinion. From your description, I wish I could have seen a before picture! It sounds pretty bad. It looks great now though! I bet you are so proud! I'm glad to hear you are feeling better :o) I've been thinking about you a lot!

  2. You are too funny! Actually, yes it did make it in the house! BUT it still isn't complete haha!! I'm glad it only takes you 4 months, it's more like 4 years for me!

    The desk looks fab-U-lous!


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