Not much new to share today. I had a funky weekend while Mitch was gone fishing with his parents. I was very tired, and mostly slept and played on my computer. So much for lots of creative goodness getting done while he was away.
I was a good girl tonight, I clipped all my Sunday coupons, and paid all my bills, it is so sad to watch my checking account get lower and lower with each check I write, but it makes me feel good too to know things are caught up. :)
With this short post I decided to share a framed cartoon drawing of me and Mitch, you might find it amusing!

Seriously, when did my chin get that huge? Mitch laughed so hard when the guy handed us our finished drawing, I wasn't so amused. But, I have grown to love the thing, and have it hanging in our living room.
Hope you all are sleeping well tonight! Talk to you soon!
LOL! We have a drawing like that hanging in our bedroom!