Saturday, October 11, 2008

Pretty new blog makeover

Yeah, so I've redesigned this thing like 5 times in hmmmmm, 5 months? Sound right? But it is staying this time. All the other times I used others peoples designs, except last time, it was half and half. But this time I spent hours and hours designing most of my own elements (and altering a few small things that I loved too much not to use) Anyways, I really like it, especially my pretty new header. It is very me, and matches the colors of my studio, except that my studio is much brighter shades of blue and green.

Speaking of my studio, I know exactly what I want, unfortunately we can't afford to buy all my shelving, and I won't bother painting since we are moving in a few months, but I thought I'd let you take a quick peek at a few of the little details. I told you, just detail, no "full room" shots. It is seriously that way with my whole house, everything is half done. And the only half done stuff I ever share is my artwork, because I know it will be done soon enough for you to remember the "before" once I show you the "after", haha.

So, lets see, picture one is my curtains, that I made before we even moved my scrapbook supplies into our new house. (Fell in love with the fabric, cause, I LOVE butterflies!) It was just curtains in an empty room, LOL.

Then we have my ribbon, I have organized my ribbon 3 different ways over the years, but this is by far my favorite, it is more organized, takes up only a tiny bit of room, and looks so perty!

Next up, paper lanterns, i LOVE these. I also have a blue one right above my table/desk. I actually electrocuted myself sticking my finger in the light socket of the white one years ago... I really didn't know better, and if you want the story you'll have to ask my husband. He tells EVERYONE!

After that is my basket of colorful paints, and next to them you see my nephews birth announcement that I made, my sister Danetta thought they were so pretty tied up in their little ribbon when I finished, and last I heard never mailed them out!!!

And finally we have my pretty sewing box. I love this thing. Couldn't pass it up when I seen it, it matches my room perfectly.

Anyways, that's all! Hope you enjoyed today's mini tour of my studio. Now, I'm gonna go and put this room to good use, and maybe finish that card I promised to share!


  1. I love your colors in your room! Very pretty! Bright green and teal are 2 of my favorite colors! Obviously, i love a bright and cheery studio :-) Your new blog look is so pretty! I got some elements that match mine, I might make a new background or something.... I've just been lazy lately lol! Good job on this though!!

  2. I love that ribbon picture! It makes me want to run out and buy some even though I don't know what I'd do with it!

  3. Ok, so your blog seriously looks adorable! Good job! And I love all of your colors :o)


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