Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thankful Thursday

Today, as I was going through my bloglist, catching up on my blogs from the past few days {I've been super duper busy!} I came across this post by Kendra over at My Insanity. She is one of my new bloggy finds that I LOVE reading. I really really love the idea of making a "gratitude" tree, but with only me and Mitch in the house, it wouldn't be quite as fun... especially since my dear Mitcheal would probably laugh at me, and throw a big baby fit if I made him participate. He's not one for sentimental stuff {although once we have our baby... 24 more days until we can start trying again!!!! he will have to participate in mushy family stuff, hehehe}

So after seeing Thankful Thursday posts on several blogs, I decided that this is the next best thing! Every Thursday I am going to list one thing I am thankful for! So, here is goes!

***I am thankful for Mitch's awesome job! Earlier this year we were both suddenly unemployed, it was unexpected and very hard for us. But after years of crappy jobs, Mitch finally has a great one that he also LOVES! It provides for us, and allows me stay home and sell my little creations {that I finally have time to create!}***

We all {me included} spend lots of time complaining about crappy things, but every now and then remember to stop and take a few minutes to remember the things in life we have to be thankful for! :o)

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