Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Belly Shots {37 Weeks}

Full Term.

At 37 weeks I am officially full term.

It's kinda weird, suddenly all the "doctors orders" have changed.

Everything that was bad before 37 weeks, is now considered good. Like contractions. Those are a good thing now. YUCK! They are no longer a horrible sign that could mean a premature baby. Now they are very normal {although painful and uncomfortable} signs of labor.

And labor is a good thing now. Although in my case {no matter how terribly sick I am of being pregnant} I really want him to stay in there for a few more weeks.

And my doctor says things like "Everything looks great Kim, we'll see you next week... if your still pregnant then."


I was beginning to think {as was Mitcheal} that I was not going to get around to taking another belly shot picture of me {and us}.

I really haven't been in the mood to take any pictures. And you know Mitch is NEVER in the mood to take these pictures with me, which is why I was shocked that he hounded me about it so much.

But yesterday I just did it!!! I got out the damn tripod, and we took the pictures.

All done.

I wanna get all the ones we took together, maybe make them black and white, and edit them some, and frame them in colorful frames for Riley's room. There are 5 total, from 13 weeks to 37 weeks. I think they'll look nice framed in there. We did a different pose together every time. And even though Mitch threw a big fit every time we took the pictures, I'm REALLY glad we did the "us" pictures along with the "me" pictures. When all is said and done, they are something that I really like having. And I think he does too!!

Anyways, here they are.


And us.

And since they are the last ones, I thought I'd throw in a couple other ones that I liked.

Including one where I'm actually looking at the camera!

So that's it. Babes is up, so maybe I'll see if he wants to detail the car today. So we can install the car seat.


  1. What beautiful photos! And you're one hot mama! ;) You look gorgeous!

    I'm so glad you stopped by today. Thanks for your sweet comment. It's so nice to 'meet' you! :)


  2. You look so great!!! Almost there!!


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